
Function objects


A function object is any object for which the function call operator is defined.


Function objects

Arithmetic operations
function object implementing x + y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x - y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x * y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x / y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x % y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing -x
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x == y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x != y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x > y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x < y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x >= y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x <= y
(class template) [edit]
Logical operations
function object implementing x && y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x || y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing !x
(class template) [edit]
Bitwise operations
function object implementing x & y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x | y
(class template) [edit]
function object implementing x ^ y
(class template) [edit]
wrapper function object returning the complement of the unary predicate it holds
(class template) [edit]
wrapper function object returning the complement of the binary predicate it holds
(class template) [edit]
constructs custom std::unary_negate object
(function template) [edit]
constructs custom std::binary_negate object
(function template) [edit]

[edit] Bind

binds one or more arguments to a function object
(function template) [edit]
indicates that an object is std::bind expression or can be used as one
(class template) [edit]
indicates that an object is a standard placeholder or can be used as one
(class template) [edit]
Defined in namespace std::placeholders
placeholders for the unbound arguments in a std::bind expression
(constant) [edit]
Polymorphic function wrappers
binds an object to a pointer to its member function to form independent function object
(function template) [edit]
wraps callable object of any type with specified function call signature
(class template) [edit]
the exception thrown when invoking an empty std::function
(class) [edit]
Reference wrappers
CopyConstructible and CopyAssignable reference wrapper
(class template) [edit]
creates a reference_wrapper of type, deduced from its argument
(function template) [edit]

Deprecated in C++11

adaptor-compatible unary function base class
(class template) [edit]
adaptor-compatible binary function base class
(class template) [edit]
function object holding a binary function and one of its arguments
(class template) [edit]
binds one argument to a binary function
(function template) [edit]
Function adaptors
adaptor-compatible wrapper for a pointer to unary function
(class template) [edit]
adaptor-compatible wrapper for a pointer to binary function
(class template) [edit]
creates an adaptor-compatible function object wrapper from a pointer to function
(function template) [edit]
wrapper for a pointer to nullary member function, callable with a pointer to object
(class template) [edit]
creates a wrapper from a pointer to member function, callable with a pointer to object
(function template) [edit]
wapper for a pointer to nullary or unary member function, callable with a reference to object
(class template) [edit]
creates a wrapper from a pointer to member function, callable with a reference to object
(function template) [edit]